Dwelling in the Moment, Experience the Stillness of Time

In the 15 poses that are described in the Haṭha Yoga Pradīpikā, śavāsana is the pose that is applied the most in a yoga class. Lying on the floor with arms by the sides and feet apart, each yoga class finishes with śavāsana, the Corpse pose, to relax and give time for the body to restore. Obviously, only the physical form of the Corpse pose alone cannot lead us to relax. Otherwise, those who try to settle the mind while trying to fall asleep or those who suffer from insomnia will definitely like to do śavāsana every night. In a yoga session, śavāsana is usually practiced with a guided relaxation, such as a body scan by the instructor, so our mind has an anchor and can lead us to relax. 

To relax and rest in peace when there is no instructor to guide us, we need to learn to help ourselves. The Corpse pose is not an active physical exercise. Rather, it requests that we work on our minds. And the Haṭha Yoga Pradīpikā IV-29 says, “Mind is the master of the senses, and the breath is the master of the mind.” Mindfulness breathing can be a way to bring calmness to our minds. Mindfulness breathing is simply observing our own breathing. When we are breathing in, we know that we are breathing in; when we are breathing out, we know that we are breathing out. Focusing on breathing lets us actually dwell in the moment and starts the connection with ourselves within—the inside that only we can see.

A corpse won’t take anything in. In the Corpse pose, our body is not moving, and our mind can imitate a corpse not taking anything in by focusing on breathing. We simply observe the breathing, not trying to change it or taking in judgements, worries, or wishes. We observe our breath in, our breath out, and the pause between breath in and breath out. We don’t have to try to look for peace and calm, as any expectation will actually prevent us from relaxing. When the mind dwells on the breath, peace and tranquility naturally can come to us.

Yoga is not necessarily for pretzeling the body; it can be as simple as lying on the ground like a corpse. Physical strength goes away with age, disease, or stress. Don’t let inner strength go when the physical body doesn’t function well! Consider śavāsana as a mental exercise when the body is not moving, like a corpse. Let the Corpse pose be a time to understand how to lead our minds in the direction we would like them to go, either relaxing or being calm instead of wandering like an uncontrolled wild horse. Practice the basic breathing awareness exercise in the stillness of śavāsana and experience the stillness of time!

There are times when we cannot rely on anyone but ourselves; there are times when we have to take refuge in ourselves. May śavāsana, the most prarcticed pose in a yoga session, be a pose to transform our yoga practice from focusing on the physical body to focus on the mind. Be with our breathing and dwelling in the moment, the moment that brings peace and calm!


  1. Sacred Texts, Haṭha Yoga Pradīpikā
  2. Thich Nhat Hanh, Awakening of the Heart : Essential Buddhist Sutras and Commentaries (Berkeley, CA: Parallax Press, 2012).

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